Organic Granulated Maple Sugar
Organic Granulated Maple Sugar
Organic Granulated Maple Sugar
Organic Granulated Maple Sugar

Organic Granulated Maple Sugar

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Certified Organic Granulated Maple Sugar made from 100% Maple Pennsylvania Syrup.

Pure granulated Pennsylvania maple sugar is better sweetener choice compared to refined white sugar, plus it's much more flavorful. It contains many minerals and antioxidants, including calcium, iron, zinc and manganese.

Maple sugar can be used as a substitute for any kind of sugar, in any recipe, or as a condiment on it's own. From sprinkling over your cereal, toast, English muffin, or yogurt to sweetening up carrots and lemonade, to baking breads and mixing with salt and pepper. Granulated pure Pennsylvania maple sugar will find endless applications in your kitchen.

1/2 Pound and 1 Pound of Organic Granulated Maple Sugar sold in a resealable bag!